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    Children of Deaf Adults

CODA celebrates the unique heritage and multicultural 

identities of adult hearing individuals with deaf parent(s). 

CODA has established a grant, CODA for Kodas. This mini grant is awarded twice annually, and will continue as funds are available. To contribute towards this fund go to our donations page, or if you are interested in learning how a program qualifies and how to apply check our CODA for Kodas Grant page.


There are various camps and programs around the world for hearing kids/youth with Deaf parent(s). 

These programs are not officially affiliated with CODA International, however, they provide strong support for future members of CODA. We will be highlighting various camps throughout the year. Check back for our next focus organisation!

Check out these sites for more information: 

Meet newly established KODAheart. Their mission is to serve hearing kids of deaf adults (KODA) and their families by providing a variety of educational & recreational resources with the aim of encouraging the exploration of their bilingual/bicultural/bimodal experience. 

Visit for more information.

“She told me that I was a KODA, and that was all I needed to hear. I had a name for my ‘in between’. I had an identity. I was born to a Deaf couple, and my ears could hear--I was born again at the age of 15-‘KODA’ That's who I am”.
-Vanessa M., Camp Counselor 

Learn more about KODAWest.

Kids of Deaf Adults (KODA)

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